Welcome to the Material Design 3 Theming Quiz! This quiz will test your knowledge on creating and integrating custom themes using Material Design 3 in Android Studio projects. You’ll explore concepts like dynamic color adaptation, theme customization using the Material Theme Builder, and the integration of theme files into an Android app. Each question is designed to reinforce key topics from the theming tutorial, ensuring you have a solid understanding of how to apply Material Design principles to your Android projects.
What is the purpose of the dynamic color feature in Material Design 3?
Which function is used in Compose to define the theme for the app?
What is the purpose of the Material Theme Builder tool in Android development?
Where should the custom font_certs.xml file be placed in an Android project?
What should be done after replacing the default theme files with custom theme files in an Android project?
Which file needs to be modified to integrate Google font libraries into a Compose project?
What should be done to test dynamic colors in an Android app?
What is the default name of the compressed theme file generated by the Material Theme Builder?
What type of color adjustment does Material You's dynamic color feature provide?
What is the purpose of the Export theme button in the Material Theme Builder?