Author: Answertopia
Integrating SwiftUI with UIKit
Apps developed before the introduction of SwiftUI will have been developed using UIKit and other UIKit-based frameworks included with the iOS SDK. Given the benefits of using SwiftUI for future development, it will be a common requirement to integrate the new SwiftUI app functionality with the existing project code base. Fortunately, this integration can be…
Integrating UIViewControllers with SwiftUI
The previous chapter outlined how to integrate UIView based components into SwiftUI using the UIViewRepresentable protocol. This chapter will focus on the second option for combining SwiftUI and UIKit within an iOS project in the form of UIViewController integration. UIViewControllers and SwiftUI The UIView integration outlined in the previous chapter is useful for integrating either…
Integrating UIViews with SwiftUI
Prior to the introduction of SwiftUI, all iOS apps were developed using UIKit together with a collection of UIKit-based supporting frameworks. Although SwiftUI is provided with a wide selection of components with which to build an app, there are instances where there is no SwiftUI equivalent to options provided by the other frameworks. Given the…
Adding Configuration Options to an iOS 17 WidgetKit Widget
The WidgetDemo app created in the preceding chapters can only display weather information for a single geographical location. It is possible to make aspects of the widget user configurable using an app intent. In this chapter, we will enhance the widget extension so that the user can choose to view the weather for different cities.…
An iOS 17 SwiftUI WidgetKit Deep Link Tutorial
WidgetKit deep links allow the individual views that make up the widget entry view to open different screens within the companion app when tapped. In addition to the main home screen, the WidgetDemo app created in the preceding chapters contains a detail screen to provide the user with information about different weather systems. As currently…
Supporting iOS 17 WidgetKit Size Families in SwiftUI
In the chapter titled Building Widgets with SwiftUI and WidgetKit, we learned that a widget can appear in small, medium, and large sizes. The project created in the previous chapter included a widget view designed to fit within the small-size format. Since the widget did not specify the supported sizes, it would still be possible…
An iOS 17 SwiftUI WidgetKit Tutorial
From the previous chapter, we now understand the elements that make up a widget and the steps involved in creating one. In this, the first of a series of tutorial chapters dedicated to WidgetKit, we will begin creating an app that includes a widget extension. After completing these tutorials, a functioning widget will have been…
Building Widgets with SwiftUI and WidgetKit
Widgets allow small amounts of app content to be displayed alongside the app icons that appear on the device home screen pages, the Today view, and the macOS Notification Center. Widgets are built using SwiftUI in conjunction with the WidgetKit Framework. The focus of this chapter is to provide a high-level outline of the various…
A SwiftUI DocumentGroup Tutorial
The previous chapter introduced the DocumentGroup scene type provided with SwiftUI and explored the architecture that allows adding document browsing and management to apps. This chapter will demonstrate how to take the standard Xcode Multiplatform Document App template and modify it to work with image files instead of plain text documents. Upon completion of the…
An Overview of SwiftUI DocumentGroup Scenes
The chapter entitled SwiftUI Architecture introduced the concept of SwiftUI scenes and explained that the SwiftUI framework, in addition to allowing you to build your own scenes, also includes two pre-built scene types in the form of WindowGroup and DocumentGroup. So far, the examples in this book have made exclusive use of the WindowGroup scene.…