Author: admin
Multicolumn Navigation in SwiftUI with NavigationSplitView
The NavigationStack and NavigationLink views outlined in the previous chapters are ideal for adding navigation when each destination view needs to fill the entire device screen. While this is generally the preferred navigation paradigm when working on most iOS devices, it doesn’t take advantage of larger display configurations available on the iPad or the iPhone…
An Introduction to Swift Actors
Structured concurrency in Swift provides a powerful platform for performing multiple tasks at the same time, greatly increasing app performance and responsiveness. One of the downsides of concurrency is that it can lead to problems when multiple tasks access the same data concurrently, and that access includes a mix of reading and writing operations. This…
An Overview of Swift Structured Concurrency
Concurrency can be defined as the ability of software to perform multiple tasks in parallel. Many app development projects will need to make use of concurrent processing at some point and concurrency is essential for providing a good user experience. Concurrency, for example, is what allows the user interface of an app to remain responsive…
Understanding Error Handling in Swift
In a perfect world, a running iOS app would never encounter an error. The reality, however, is that it is impossible to guarantee that an error of some form or another will not occur at some point during the execution of the app. It is essential, therefore, to ensure that the code of an app…
Working with Array and Dictionary Collections in Swift
Arrays and dictionaries in Swift are objects that contain collections of other objects. This chapter will cover some of the basics of working with arrays and dictionaries in Swift. Mutable and Immutable Collections Collections in Swift come in mutable and immutable forms. The contents of immutable collection instances cannot be changed after the object has…
An Introduction to Swift Subclassing and Extensions
In The Basics of Swift Object-Oriented Programming, we covered the basic concepts of object-oriented programming and worked through an example of creating and working with a new class using Swift. In that example, our new class was not derived from any base class and, as such, did not inherit any traits from a parent or…
The Basics of Swift Object-Oriented Programming
Swift provides extensive support for developing object-oriented applications. The subject area of object-oriented programming is, however, large. It is not an exaggeration to state that entire books have been dedicated to the subject. As such, a detailed overview of object-oriented software development is beyond the scope of this book. Instead, we will introduce the basic…
Swift Functions, Methods, and Closures
Swift functions, methods, and closures are a vital part of writing well-structured and efficient code and provide a way to organize programs while avoiding code repetition. This chapter will look at how functions, methods, and closures are declared and used within Swift. What is a Function? A function is a named block of code that…
The Swift Switch Statement
In Swift Control Flow, we looked at controlling program execution flow using the if and else statements. While these statement constructs work well for testing a limited number of conditions, they quickly become unwieldy when dealing with larger numbers of possible conditions. To simplify such situations, Swift has inherited the switch statement from the C…
Swift Control Flow
Regardless of the programming language used, application development is largely an exercise in applying logic, and much of the art of programming involves writing code that makes decisions based on one or more criteria. Such decisions define which code gets executed, how many times it is executed and, conversely, which code gets by-passed when the…