Author: admin
A Jetpack Compose FlowRow and FlowColumn Tutorial
Now that we understand what FlowRow and FlowColumn are and how they work, we can put his knowledge to practical use. In this chapter, we will create a project demonstrating these Flow layout components in action. Creating the FlowLayoutDemo project Launch Android Studio and select the New Project option from the welcome screen. Choose the…
Jetpack Compose FlowRow and FlowColumn Layouts
The chapter entitled Jetpack Compose Row and Column Layouts used the Row and Column composables to present content elements uniformly within a user interface. One limitation of Row and Column-based layouts is that they are not well suited to organizing dynamic elements in terms of the quantity and sizes of the content. These composables are…
How to Use Box Layout in Jetpack Compose
Now that we have an understanding of the Compose Row and Column composables, we will move on to look at the third layout type provided by Compose in the form of the Box component. This chapter will introduce the Box layout and explore some of the key parameters and modifiers that are available when designing…
Jetpack Compose Row and Column Layouts
User interface design is largely a matter of selecting the appropriate interface components, deciding how those views will be positioned on the screen, and then implementing navigation between the different screens of the app. As is to be expected, Compose includes a wide range of user interface components for use when developing an app. Compose…
Jetpack Compose Annotated Strings and Brush Styles
The previous chapter explored how we use modifiers to change the appearance and behavior of composables. Many examples used to demonstrate modifiers involved the Text composable, performing tasks such as changing the font type, size, and weight. This chapter will introduce another powerful text-related feature of Jetpack Compose, known as annotated strings. We will also…
How to Use Modifiers in Jetpack Compose
In this chapter, we will introduce Compose modifiers and explain how they can be used to customize the appearance and behavior of composables. Topics covered will include an overview of modifiers and an introduction to the Modifier object. The chapter will also explain how to create and use modifiers, and how to add modifier support…
A Jetpack Compose Slot API Tutorial
In this chapter, we will be creating a project within Android Studio to practice the use of slot APIs to build flexible and dynamic composable functions. This will include writing a composable function with two slots and calling that function with different content composables based on selections made by the user. About the project Once…
An Overview of Jetpack Compose Slot APIs
Now that we have a better idea of what composable functions are and how to create them, it is time to explore composables that provide a slot API. In this chapter, we will explain what a slot API is, what it is used for and how you can include slots in your own composable functions.…
A Jetpack Compose Composition Local Tutorial
We already know from previous chapters that user interfaces are built in Compose by constructing hierarchies of composable functions. We also know that Compose is state-driven and that state should generally be declared in the highest possible node of the composable tree (a concept referred to as state hoisting) and passed down through the hierarchy…
Jetpack Compose State and Recomposition
State is the cornerstone of how the Compose system is implemented. As such, a clear understanding of state is an essential step in becoming a proficient Compose developer. In this chapter, we will explore and demonstrate the basic concepts of state and explain the meaning of related terms such as recomposition, unidirectional data flow, and…