Author: admin

  • A Jetpack Compose Navigation Tutorial

    The previous chapter provided an overview of navigation using the Jetpack Navigation Architecture Component when developing with Compose. This chapter will build on this knowledge to create a project that uses navigation, including an example of passing an argument from one destination to another. Creating the NavigationDemo project Launch Android Studio and create a new…

  • Screen Navigation in Jetpack Compose

    Very few Android apps today consist of just a single screen. In reality, most apps comprise multiple screens through which the user navigates using screen gestures, button clicks, and menu selections. Before the introduction of Android Jetpack, the implementation of navigation within an app was largely a manual coding process with no easy way to…

  • A Jetpack Compose Room Database and Repository Tutorial

    This chapter will use the knowledge gained in the chapter entitled Working with ViewModels in Jetpack Compose to provide a detailed tutorial demonstrating how to implement SQLite-based database storage using the Room persistence library. In keeping with the Android architectural guidelines, the project will make use of a view model and repository. The tutorial will also…

  • Room Databases and Jetpack Compose

    Included with the Android Architecture Components, the Room persistence library is designed specifically to make it easier to add database storage support to Android apps in a way that is consistent with the Android architecture guidelines. With the basics of SQLite databases covered in the previous chapter, this chapter will explore the concepts of Room-based…

  • A Jetpack Compose ViewModel Tutorial

    As outlined in the previous chapter, we use ViewModels to separate an activity’s data and associated logic from the code responsible for rendering the user interface. Having covered the theory of modern Android app architecture, this chapter will create an example project demonstrating the use of a ViewModel within an example project. About the project…

  • Working with ViewModels in Jetpack Compose

    Until a few years ago, Google did not recommend a specific approach to building Android apps other than to provide tools and development kits while letting developers decide what worked best for a particular project or individual programming style. That changed in 2017 with the introduction of the Android Architecture Components which became part of…

  • Jetpack Compose Canvas Graphics Drawing Tutorial

    In this chapter, we will be introducing 2D graphics drawing using the Compose Canvas component. As we explore the capabilities of Canvas it will quickly become clear that, as with just about everything else in Compose, impressive results can typically be achieved with just a few lines of code. Introducing the Canvas component The Canvas…

  • Jetpack Compose State-Driven Animation

    The previous chapter focused on using animation when hiding and showing user interface components. In this chapter, we will turn our attention to state-driven animation. The features of the Compose Animation API allow a variety of animation effects to be performed based on the change of state from one value to another. This includes animations…

  • Jetpack Compose Visibility Animation Tutorial

    For adding animation effects to user interfaces, Jetpack Compose includes the Animation API. The Animation API consists of classes and functions that provide a wide range of animation options that can be added to your apps with relative ease. In this chapter, we will explore the use of animation when hiding and showing user interface…

  • A Jetpack Compose VerticalPager and HorizontalPager Example

    The Compose Pager composables allow users to page through content using horizontal and vertical swiping gestures. Paging may also be implemented programmatically, for example, by adding previous and next buttons to the layout. This chapter introduces the VerticalPager and HorizontalPager composables and explores some configuration options before creating an example project to show paging in…