Author: admin
C# 11 Programming Essentials
Synchronizing iOS 17 Key-Value Data using iCloud
When considering using iCloud in an app, it is important to note that the Apple ecosystem is not limited to the iOS platform. It also encompasses a range of macOS-based laptop and desktop computer systems, all of which have access to iCloud services. This increases the chance that a user will have the same app…
An iOS 17 Local Notification Tutorial
Notifications provide a mechanism for an app to schedule an alert to notify the user about an event. These notifications take the form of a notification panel containing a message accompanied by a sound and the device’s vibration. Notifications are categorized as either local or remote. Notifications initiated by apps running on a device are…
An iOS 17 Document Browser Tutorial
This chapter aims to work through creating an iOS app that uses the UIDocumentBrowserViewController class to integrate document browsing support. The app will demonstrate using the Document Based App template to create an app that can navigate all available file providers and create, open, and edit text-based documents. Creating the DocumentBrowser Project Launch Xcode and…
An iOS 17 Sprite Kit Particle Emitter Tutorial
In this, the last chapter dedicated to the Sprite Kit framework, the use of the Particle Emitter class and editor to add special effects to Sprite Kit-based games will be covered. Having provided an overview of the various elements that make up particle emitter special effects, the SpriteKitDemo app will be extended using particle emitter…
An Overview of the iOS 17 Document Browser View Controller
The previous chapters have introduced ways to integrate file handling into an iOS app in terms of local and cloud-based storage. In these chapters, the assumption has been made that all of the user interface aspects of the file handling and file system navigation will be provided in some way by the app itself. An…
An iOS 17 Quick Actions Tutorial
Quick actions (also called application shortcuts) appear when a long press is performed on the home screen icon of an app installed on an iOS device. The actions appear in a menu format and, when selected, call delegate methods within the corresponding app allowing the app to perform tasks before being presented to the user.…
Using iCloud Drive Storage in an iOS 17 App
The previous chapter designed an app that used iCloud Storage to store a text file remotely. While the presence of the stored file could be confirmed by accessing the iCloud Storage section of the iOS Settings app, the file and its content were only accessible to the iCloudStore example app. This chapter will create a…
An iOS 17 Sprite Kit Collision Handling Tutorial
In this chapter, the game created in the previous chapter, entitled An iOS 17 Sprite Kit Level Editor Game Tutorial, will be extended to implement collision detection. The objective is to detect when an arrow node collides with a ball node and increase a score count in the event of such a collision. In the…
Using iCloud Storage in an iOS 17 App
The two preceding chapters of this book were intended to convey the knowledge necessary to begin implementing iCloud-based document storage in iOS apps. Having outlined the steps necessary to enable iCloud access in the chapter entitled Preparing an iOS 17 App to use iCloud Storage and provided an overview of the UIDocument class in Managing…