Author: admin

  • C# 11 Delegates

    This chapter will continue exploring C# methods by introducing the concepts of C# delegates, including what they are and how to use them. What is a Delegate? Before we start exploring C# delegates it first helps to understand the concept of method signatures. When a method is declared, the parameters it accepts and the result…

  • An Example iOS 17 MKMapItem App

    This chapter aims to work through creating an example iOS app that uses reverse geocoding together with the MKPlacemark and MKMapItem classes. The app will consist of a screen into which the user will be required to enter destination address information. Then, when the user selects a button, a map will be launched containing turn-by-turn…

  • C# 11 Methods

    The previous chapter began the introduction to object-oriented programming in C# and included the use of methods declared within classes. This lesson will explore C# methods in more detail, including how they are declared and called, passing arguments, and returning results. The topic of passing arguments by reference and value will also be explained. C#…

  • Integrating Maps into iOS 17 Apps using MKMapItem

    If there is one fact about Apple that we can state with any degree of certainty, it is that the company is passionate about retaining control of its destiny. Unfortunately, one glaring omission in this overriding corporate strategy has been the reliance on a competitor (in the form of Google) for mapping data in iOS.…

  • An Introduction to C# 11 Object-Oriented Programming

    Get up to speed in this chapter on object-oriented programming in C# with details on declaring classes, methods, fields, and properties. Topics covered include adding methods and properties to a class and creating, initializing, and finalizing class instances. So far in this course, we have looked at the basics of programming in C#, such as…

  • An iOS 17 UIKit Dynamics Tutorial

    With the basics of UIKit Dynamics covered in the previous chapter, this chapter will apply this knowledge to create an example app designed to show UIKit Dynamics in action. The example app created in this chapter will use the gravity, collision, elasticity, and attachment features in conjunction with touch handling to demonstrate how these key…

  • C# 11 Looping with do and while Statements

    With the topic of constructing loops using the C# for statement, this chapter aims to introduce two more looping options: the while and do … while constructs. The C# for loop described in the previous lesson works well when you know in advance how many times a particular task needs to be repeated in a program. However,…

  • iOS 17 UIKit Dynamics – An Overview

    UIKit Dynamics provides a powerful and flexible mechanism for combining user interaction and animation into iOS user interfaces. What distinguishes UIKit Dynamics from other approaches to animation is the ability to declare animation behavior in terms of real-world physics. Before moving on to a detailed tutorial in the next chapter, this chapter will provide an…

  • C# 11 Looping with the for Statement

    This chapter will continue looking at flow control in C# code. In the preceding chapters, we have examined using logical expressions to decide what C# code should be executed. Another aspect of control flow entails the definition of loops. Loops are essentially sequences of C# statements that will be executed repeatedly until a specified condition…

  • iOS 17 Animation using UIViewPropertyAnimator

    Most visual effects used throughout the iOS user interface are performed using UIKit animation. UIKit provides a simple mechanism for implementing basic animation within an iOS app. For example, if you need a user interface element to fade in or out of view gently, slide smoothly across the screen, or gracefully resize or rotate before…