Author: admin

  • The Basics of the Android Studio Code Editor

    Developing applications for Android involves a considerable amount of programming work which, by definition, involves typing, reviewing, and modifying lines of code. Unsurprisingly, most of a developer’s time spent using Android Studio will typically involve editing code within the editor window. The modern code editor must go far beyond the basics of typing, deleting, cutting,…

  • Testing Android Studio Apps on a Physical Android Device

    While much can be achieved by testing applications using an Android Virtual Device (AVD), there is no substitute for performing real-world application testing on a physical Android device, and some Android features are only available on physical Android devices. Communication with both AVD instances and connected Android devices is handled by the Android Debug Bridge…

  • A Tour of the Android Studio User Interface

    While it is tempting to plunge into running the example application created in the previous chapter, it involves using aspects of the Android Studio user interface, which are best described in advance. Android Studio is a powerful and feature-rich development environment that is, to a large extent, intuitive to use. That being said, taking the…

  • Using and Configuring the Android Studio AVD Emulator

    Before the next chapter explores testing on physical Android devices, this chapter will take some time to provide an overview of the Android Studio AVD emulator and highlight many of the configuration features available to customize the environment in both standalone and tool window modes. The Emulator Environment When launched in standalone mode, the emulator…

  • Creating an Android Virtual Device (AVD) in Android Studio

    Although the Android Studio Preview panel allows us to see the layout we are designing, compiling and running an entire app will be necessary to thoroughly test that it works. An Android application may be tested by installing and running it on a physical device or in an Android Virtual Device (AVD) emulator environment. Before…

  • An Android Studio Tutorial

    The preceding chapters of this book have covered the steps necessary to configure an environment suitable for developing Android applications using the Android Studio IDE. Before moving on to slightly more advanced topics, now is a good time to validate that all required development packages are installed and functioning correctly. The best way to achieve…

  • Installing Android Studio

    Before any work can begin on developing an Android application, the first step is to configure a computer system to act as the development platform. This involves several steps consisting of installing the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE), including the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), the Kotlin plug-in, and the OpenJDK Java development environment.…

  • Android Studio Giraffe Essentials – Kotlin Edition

  • CentOS Stream 9 System and Process Monitoring

    An essential part of running and administering a CentOS Stream 9 system involves monitoring the overall system health regarding memory, swap, storage, and processor usage. This includes knowing how to inspect and manage the system and user processes running in the background. This chapter will outline some tools and utilities that can be used to…

  • Adding and Managing CentOS Stream 9 Swap Space

    An essential part of maintaining the performance of a CentOS Stream 9 system involves ensuring that adequate swap space is available comparable to the memory demands placed on the system. Therefore, this chapter provides an overview of swap management on CentOS 9. What is Swap Space? Computer systems have a finite amount of physical memory…